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Kidney Stone / Prostate Surgery .


Ultraminiperc for 18-mo-old baby boy with a large RK stone

Sung Yong Cho

An 18-months-old baby boy visited a local tertiary center due to persistent gross hematuria. He underwent renal ultrasonography which showed 28mm-sized RK renal stone and LK small stones.

He was finally referred to my hospital for checking the feasibility of ultraminiperc.

Low-dose non-contrast CT showed RK renal stones. Radiopacity was poor. I decided to perform ultraminiperc (UMP) using a 12Fr sheath with a 8.5Fr miniaturized nephroscope. I am the only surgeon to perform UMP in Korea until now.

NCCT: RK pelvis (11x10x10mm), RKLPost (x1, 2x2x2mm), mild hydronephrosis, HU 1303. No LK stone.

The stone was completely removed and the wound was so small to be identified.

조회수 5회댓글 0개

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